Removable orthodontic appliance is a mechanical appliance that exerts pressure in a predetermined direction on the alveolar bone through the medium of the teeth with the help of bows, springs, screws or elastics. The word removable itself indicates that it can be removed for cleaning by the patient or by the orthodontist for any adjustment purpose. […]
Classifications of Residual Ridge Morphology for Complete Denture
Residual Alveolar Ridge is the absence of teeth after tooth extraction and after extraction of the teeth the bone starts to resorb which is called as Residual Ridge resorption. The Maxilla and Mandible resorb differently, with the Maxilla becoming narrower or decreasing in width and the mandible becomes wider. What is a Residual Alveolar Ridge? […]
List of Papillae of Tongue – Location and Histology
Papillae of Tongue are the tiny raised protrusions found on the surface of the tongue which house the taste buds which help in taste perception detecting taste elements such as salty, sour, sweet, bitter and umami. The papillae are of four types which differ in location and size of the papillae namely Fungiform papillae, Filiform […]
Histological or Microscopic Features of Radicular Cyst
Radicular or apical periodontal cyst is an inflammatory odontogenic cyst that develops in the periapical region of a non vital tooth. The source of epithelium is cell rests of malassez and the proliferation is usually stimulated by inflammation. The cyst consists of fibrous connective tissue wall lined by epithelium with a lumen containing fluid and […]
Location of Foramen Magnum and the Structures passing through it
Foramen Magnum is the largest foramen situated on the base of the skull through which multiple structures pass including the Spinal Cord. It acts as a passage between the cranial vault and the base of the skull. So let us look at all the other details regarding the Foramen Magnum like its location and the […]
Dental Implant found in Sinus cavity
When a 57 year-old woman in Italy was facing constant pain and inflamed Sinuses along with facial pain and visited a doctor, she was in for a shock when the CT Scan showed a Dental Implant in the left Sinus located beside the left eye. The 2-centimeter long metal object was identified as a Dental […]
How to decrease pain and swelling after Wisdom Tooth removal
Getting a Wisdom Tooth removed is a pretty stressful procedure for the patient, although there will not be any pain during the procedure due to the effect of anesthesia, post surgery there are chances of pain and swelling which are normal for post wisdom teeth surgery. When there is bone cutting or trimming during Wisdom […]
List of Acute and Chronic Infections of Oral Cavity
Oral Cavity or the Mandibular and Maxillary Jaws are affected by a lot of Acute and Chronic Infections which can occur due to various reasons and can be found in various locations in the Jaws. These infections are easy to treat in some cases and in some are difficult which is based on multiple factors […]
5 changes in Dental Clinic to help decrease patient Anxiety and Stress
Dental Clinic can be a very intimidating place for a patient who is apprehensive or visiting the dentist for the first time or experienced a previous bad dental visit. It is very common for the patients to be having Fear and Anxiety during a dental visit. As a Dentist, we have to make sure the […]
Why cannot the Dentist get my Teeth Numb with Local Anesthesia
Getting a Tooth numb before any procedure in the dental clinic is one of the main things which every Dentist would like to get and all the patients would feel comfortable with, but there are some or shall I say many situations when your Dentist cannot get your teeth numb even after multiple doses and […]
Inferior Alveolar Nerve block – Local Anesthesia Technique, Landmarks and Symptoms
It is sometimes called the Inferior Dental Nerve which gives off a motor branch supplying the Mylohyoid and the anterior belly of digastric and travels through the Mandibular foramen and enters the Mandible. After entering the Mandible it supplies to the following Mandibular Teeth: 2nd Premolar, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Molars. It extends Anteriorly forming […]
12 Toothpaste flavours you never knew existed
Toothpaste helps in keeping your teeth clean and it is something which will be used on a daily basis in any household and used twice daily by many users. Most common flavor of toothpaste used around the world is Mint. Toothpaste has a composition of Abrasive, humectant, water, binder, detergent, preservative, therapeutic agent and flavor […]
Wisdom Teeth have been Shrinking in size due to Evolution
Wisdom teeth has always been a misleading name, we do not know if it brings wisdom or not but surely brings pain in certain cases when the is an impaction. With Evolution, there are many changes which are seen leading to the problems arising with Wisdom teeth. With evolution, there is a decrease in size […]
Saliva Absorber Pad, a great innovation for clinical dentistry
Saliva is always a major hindrance for any type of Dental treatment be it a small restoration or Root canal treatment, the flow of saliva also increases in patients undergoing Dental treatment due to the anxiety. Directa, a dental company from Sweden has revealed an Absorber pad called DryDent which fits into the patient’s mandibular […]