Dental and Oral diseases are pathological conditions which have systemic implications as well. We can see that in case of any disease like even a mild fever there is a change in the amount of cells mostly White Blood cells count in the body. Eosinophils are the most commonly increasing cells in any minor or major disease condition. The cells can be useful in diagnosis of the oral conditions which are associated with it.
Here are some of the Dental conditions which have specific cells or bodies seen which can be used to diagnose the condition and helps the dentist is Differential diagnosis.
List of Cell and Bodies Associated with some conditions in Oral Pathology
Russels Bodies: Periapical granuloma
Rushton bodies: Radicular cyst
Target cells and safety pin cells: Thalassemia
Tzank cells: Phemphigus, herpes
LE cells: Lupus erythematosis
Antischkow cells: Apthous ulser
Lipschutz bodies: Herpes
Lepra cells: Leprosy
Ghost cells: Odontoma
Amyloid bodies: Pindborg tumor
Liesegang rings: Pindborg tumor
Epimyothelial islands: Sjogrens syndrome/Mikulicz disease
Hyaline cells: Pleomorphic AdenomaReed-steinberg cells: Hodgkins disease/mycosis fungoides/ infectious mononucleosis
Clear or gargoyle cells and hurlers cells: Hurlers syndrome
Reilly bodies(cells or origin-fibroblasts)
Racquet/ribbon/strap cell: Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma
Angulate body cell: granular cell myoblastoma
Arbikosor cells: Myeloblastoma
Cystoid and civatte bodies: Liche Planes
Corps and rounds: Keratosis follicularis
Carpet like extensions: Erythema multiformae and lupus erythematosis
Handerson: – Petrson inclusion bodies – Molluscum contagium
The above-mentioned cells / bodies are seen specific to some conditions like the Ghost cells which are seen in Odontoma, Tzank cells are seen in two conditions – Herpes and Phemphigus and in such cases other factors have to be considered for a proper diagnosis of the condition. Some cells or bodies are normal cells affected by the disease and changing in morphology attaining a specific type of appearance.
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