i·at·ro·gen·ic : resulting from the activity of the clinician; applied to disorders induced in the patient by the clinician
I-bar clasp: see CLASP
id·io·path·ic : self-originated; of unknown causation
idling condyle: see NONWORKING SIDE CONDYLE
il·lum·inance 1: density of luminous flux on a surface 2: luminous flux incident per unit area of a surface
il·lum·inant : mathematical description of the relative spectral power distribution of a real or imaginary light source, that is, the relative energy emitted by a source at each wave length in its emission spectrum—see CIE STANDARD ILLUMINANT
im·bi·bi·tion n: the act or process of imbibing or absorbing. In dentistry, an example is the dimensional change caused in hydrocolloid impression materials if they are stored in water
imbrication lines: lines in the dentin caused by changes in mineralization during formation. Also called incremental lines of von Ebner [Anton Gilbert Victor von Ebner, Austrian histologist, 1842–1925]
immediate denture : any removable dental prosthesis fabricated for placement immediately following the removal of a natural tooth/teeth
immediate disocclusion : instantaneous separation of the posterior teeth due to the anterior guidance
immediate insertion denture: see IMMEDIATE DENTURE
immediate lateral translation: see IMMEDIATE MANDIBULAR LATERAL TRANSLATION
immediate mandibular lateral translation: the translatory portion of lateral movement in which the nonworking side condyle moves essentially straight and medially as it leaves the centric relation position- see also EARLY MANDIBULAR LATERAL TRANSLATION; PROGRESSIVE MANDIBULAR LATERAL TRANSLATION
immediate obturator: see SURGICAL OBTURATOR
immediate replacement denture: see IMMEDIATE DENTURE
immediate temporary obturator: see SURGICAL OBTURATOR
impacted fracture: a fracture in which one fragment is driven into another portion of the same or an adjacent bone
1im·plant : to graft or insert a material such as an alloplastic substance, an encapsulated drug, or tissue into the body of a recipient
2im·plant : any object or material, such as an alloplastic substance or other tissue, which is partially or completely inserted or grafted into the body for therapeutic, diagnostic, prosthetic, or experimental purposes—see DENTAL IMPLANT
implant connecting bar slang: usage— a connecting bar is not an implantable device. It receives support and stability from the dental implant(s) through the dental implant abutments and is termed a framework
implant crown : usage— a crown or fixed dental prosthesis is not an implantable device. The prosthesis receives support and stability from the dental implant see DENTAL IMPLANT, DENTAL PROSTHESIS, CROWN
implant dentistry : the selection, planning, development, placement, and maintenance of restoration(s) using dental implants
implant denture : usage— a denture is not an implantable device. Dental prostheses (fixed dental prostheses, removable dental prostheses) as well as maxillofacial prostheses can be supported and retained in part or whole by dental implants. Terminology to assist in describing the means of retention, support and dental materials should be limited to concatenation of three and no more than four adjectives to provide clarity. Descriptive terminology (modifiers) expressed as adjectives to each dental prosthesis may include the method of retention, composition, nature of support, design characteristics, and form of anchorage –See also PROSTHESIS
implant fixture: see DENTAL IMPLANT BODY
implant infrastructure : usage— while a dental implant may have an infrastructure, the proper geometric reference to such an area of the implant is referenced relative to the long axis of the dental implant, in this case, the inferior portion of the dental implant
implant interface: the junction of the surface of a dental implant and the surrounding host tissues—see FIBROUS INTEGRATION, OSSEOUS INTEGRATION
implant prosthesis : usage– a prosthesis is not an implantable device. Dental prosthesis such as crown and other fixed dental prostheses, removable dental prostheses as well as maxillofacial prostheses can be supported and retained in part or whole by dental implants. Terminology to assist in understanding the means of retention and support should be limited to concatenation of three and no more than four adjectives to provide clarity. Descriptive terminology may include the method of retention, composition, nature of support, design characteristics, and form of anchorage
implant prosthodontics : the phase of prosthodontics concerning the replacement of missing teeth and/or associated structures by restorations that are attached to dental implants
implant substructure : the metal framework of a eposteal dental implant that is embedded beneath the soft tissues, in contact with the bone, and stabilized by means of endosteal screws. The periosteal tissues retain the framework to the bone. The framework supports the prosthesis, frequently by means of dental implant abutments and other superstructure components
implant surgery : the phase of implant dentistry concerning the selection, planning, and placement of the implant body and abutment
im·plan·tol·o·gy : a term historically conceived as the study or science of placing and restoring dental implants—see IMPLANT DENTISTRY, IMPLANT SURGERY, IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS
im·ple·ment n: see DEVICE
im·pres·sion : a negative likeness or copy in reverse of the surface of an object; an imprint of the teeth and adjacent structures for use in dentistry—see ALTERED CAST PARTIAL DENTURE I., DENTAL I., DIRECT BONE I., I. AREA, I. MATERIAL, I. TRAY, MASTER I., PARTIAL DENTURE I., PRELIMINARY I., SECTIONAL I., TUBE I.
impression area : the surface that is recorded in an impression
impression compound: slang: see MODELING PLASTIC I.C.
impression coping : 1: that component of a dental implant system used to provide a spatial relationship of an endosteal dental implant to the alveolar ridge and adjacent dentition or other structures. Impression copings can be retained in the impression or may require a transfer (termed an impression transfer procedure) from intraoral usage to the impression after attaching the analog or replicas 2:any device that registers the position of the dental implant or dental implant abutment relative to adjacent structures; most such devices are indexed to assure reproducible three dimensional location
impression material : any substance or combination of substances used for making an impression or negative reproduction
impression post substand: see IMPRESSION COPING
impression surface: the portion of the denture surface that has its contour determined by the impression (GPT-4)—see IMPRESSION AREA
impression technique s: a method and manner used in making a negative likeness (GPT-4)
impression tray 1: a receptacle into which suitable impression material is placed to make a negative likeness 2: a device that is used to carry, confine, and control impression material while making an impression
impression wax: see DENTAL IMPRESSION WAX
incisal guidance 1: the influence of the contacting surfaces of the mandibular and maxillary anterior teeth on mandibular movements 2: the influences of the contacting surfaces of the guide pin and guide table on articulator movements
incisal guide : the part of an articulator that maintains the incisal guide angle (GPT-4)—see ANTERIOR GUIDE TABLE
incisal guide angle 1: anatomically, the angle formed by the intersection of the plane of occlusion and a line within the sagittal plane determined by the incisal edges of the maxillary and mandibular central incisors when the teeth are in maximum intercuspation 2:on an articulator, that angle formed, in the sagittal plane, between the plane of reference and the slope of the anterior guide table, as viewed in the sagittal plane
incisal guide pin: see ANTERIOR GUIDE PIN
incisal guide table: see ANTERIOR GUIDE TABLE
incisal porcelain: a porcelain blend used for the incisal portion of a ceramic restoration—comp BODY PORCELAIN, GINGIVAL PORCELAIN
incisal reduction: the amount of tooth preparation at the incisal edge—comp INCISAL REDUCTION, OCCLUSAL REDUCTION
incisal rest : a rigid extension of a removable partial denture that contacts a tooth at the incisal edge
incisal restoration : any restoration extending along the incisal edge of a tooth
incisive foramen : a foramen located in the midline on the anterior of the hard palate. It transmits the nasopalatine nerves and vessels—called also nasopalatine foramen
incisive papilla : the elevation of soft tissue covering the foramen of the incisive or nasopalatine canal
inclined plane: any of the inclined cuspal surfaces of a tooth
incomplete cleft palate : a cleft involving only a part of the hard or/and soft palate
in·co·or·di·na·tion : inability to move in a smooth, controlled, symmetrical movement
in·dex : a core or mold used to record or maintain the relative position of a tooth or teeth to one another, to a cast, or to some other structure
indirect fracture : a fracture at a point distant from the primary site of injury due to secondary forces
indirect pulp capping : a procedure that seeks to stimulate formation of reparative dentin by placing a material over sound or carious dentin
indirect retainer : the component of a partial removable dental prosthesis that assists the direct retainer(s) in preventing displacement of the distal extension denture base by functioning through lever action on the opposite side of the fulcrum line when the denture base moves away from the tissues in pure rotation around the fulcrum line
indirect retention : the effect achieved by one or more indirect retainers of a partial removable denture prosthesis that reduces the tendency for a denture base to move in an occlusal direction or rotate about the fulcrum line
in·du·rate -rat·ed ; -rat·ing : to make hard—in·du·ra·tion —in·du·ra·tive
in·du·rat·ed : having become firm or hard, especially by an increase in fibrous elements
in·fra·bulge : that portion of the crown of a tooth apical to the survey line
infrabulge clasp : a removable partial denture retentive clasp that approaches the retentive undercut from a cervical or infrabulge direction
in·fra·erup·tion : failure in eruption of a tooth to the established plane of occlusion
infrared soldering: joining the components of a fixed dental prosthesis with a specially designed unit that uses infrared light as its heat source—comp OVEN SOLDERING
in·fra·oc·clu·sion : malocclusion in which the occluding surfaces of teeth are below the normal plane of occlusion
infrared radiation : electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths between 760 nm and 1000 nm
in·fra·struc·ture : a metal or ceramic framework onto which a second framework or prosthesis will be placed
ingot : 1: a mold in which metal is cast 2: a mass of metal cast into a shape convenient for storage and measure that can be re melted for later casting
initial occlusal contact : during closure of the mandible, the first or initial contact of opposing teeth between the arches
injection molding : the adaptation of a plastic material to the negative form of a closed mold by forcing the material into the mold through appropriate gateways—see COMPRESSION MOLDING
in·lay : a fixed intracoronal restoration; a dental restoration made outside of a tooth to correspond to the form of the prepared cavity, which is then luted into the tooth
inlay wax: see CASTING WAX
in·ser·tion vb: see PLACEMENT
instantaneous axis of rotation : the hypothetical center of rotation of a moving body, viewed in a given plane, at any point in time; for any body that has planar motion, there exists, at any instant, some points that have zero velocity and will be fixed at a given instant. The line joining these points is the instantaneous axis of rotation. The intersection of this line with the plane of motion is called the instantaneous center of rotation
in·stru·ment : a tool or implement, especially one used for delicate work or for artistic or scientific purposes—see DEVICE
in·tagl·io 1: an incised or engraved figure in stone or any hard material depressed below the surface of the material such that an impression from the design would yield an image in relief 2: something carved in intaglio
intaglio surface : the portion of the denture or other restoration surface that has its contour determined by the impression; the interior or reversal surface of an object
integration: see FIBROUS I., OSSEOUS I., TISSUE I.
interalveolar space: see INTERARCH DISTANCE
interarch distance : the interridge distance; the vertical distance between the maxillary and mandibular dentate or edentate arches under specified conditions—see REDUCED I.D.
interarch expansion device: see TRISMUS APPLIANCE
interceptive occlusal contact: see DEFLECTIVE OCCLUSAL CONTACT
in·ter·con·dy·lar : situated between two condyles
intercondylar axis: see CONDYLAR AXIS
intercondylar distance : the distance between the rotational centers of two condyles or their analogues
intercuspal contact : the contact between the cusps of opposing teeth
intercuspal contact area : the range of tooth contacts in maximum intercuspation
intercuspal occlusion: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
intercuspal position: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
in·ter·cus·pa·tion: the interdigitation of cusps of opposing teeth (GPT-4)
in·ter·den·tal : between the proximal surfaces of the teeth within the same arch
interdental gingival void: any interproximal soft tissue loss due to periodontal disease, traumatic, mechanical or chemical preparation or crown lengthening procedures
interdental papilla : a projection of the gingiva filling the space between the proximal surfaces of two adjacent teeth
interdental splint : a splint for treatment of fractures and consisting of a metal or acrylic resin prostheses wired to the teeth in the maxilla and mandible and joined to keep the segments immovable—see GUNNING’S SPLINT
interdigitated occlusion: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
in·ter·dig·i·ta·tion n: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
in·ter·fer·ence : in dentistry, any tooth contacts that interfere with or hinder harmonious mandibular movement
interim denture: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS
interim endosteal dental implant abutment : any dental implant abutment used for a limited time to assist in healing or modification of the adjacent tissues
interim obturator : a maxillofacial prosthesis which is made following completion of initial healing following surgical resection of a portion or all of one or both maxillae; frequently many or all teeth in the defect area are replaced by this prosthesis. This prosthesis replaces the surgical obturator which is usually inserted at or immediately following the resection. Generally, an interim obturator is made to facilitate closure of the resultant defect after initial healing has been completed. Editorial Note: Unlike the surgical obturator, which usually is made prior to surgery and frequently revised in the operating room during surgery, the interim obturator is made when the defect margins are clearly defined and further surgical revisions are not planned. It is a provisional prosthesis… Also, it frequently must be revised (termed anobturator prosthesis modification) during subsequent dental procedures (i.e. restorations, gingival surgery, etc.) as well as to compensate for further tissue shrinkage before a definitive obturator prosthesis is made.
interim ocular prosthesis : an interim replacement generally made of clear acrylic resin for an eye lost due to surgery or trauma. No attempt is made to reestablish esthetics—syn CONFORMER, EYE SHELL, SHELL, OCULAR CONFORMER
interim palatal lift prosthesis: see PALATAL LIFT PROSTHESIS
interim prosthesis : a fixed or removable dental prosthesis, or maxillofacial prosthesis, designed to enhance esthetics, stabilization and/or function for a limited period of time, after which it is to be replaced by a definitive dental or maxillofacial prosthesis. Often such prostheses are used to assist in determination of the therapeutic effectiveness of a specific treatment plan or the form and function of the planned for definitive prosthesis—syn PROVISIONAL PROSTHESIS, PROVISIONAL RESTORATION
interlock : a device connecting a fixed unit or a removable dental prosthesis to another fixed unit
interlocking cast core: a foundation restoration for an endodontically treated, multirooted tooth that comprises multiple castings to engage divergent roots
intermaxillary fixation: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR FIXATION
intermaxillary relation: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR RELATIONSHIP
intermediary jaw movement : all movements between the extremes of mandibular excursions (GPT-3)
intermediate abutment: a natural tooth located between terminal abutments that serve to support a fixed or removable dental prosthesis
internal attachment: see PRECISION ATTACHMENT
internal connector: a nonrigid connector of varying geometric designs using a matrix to unite the members of a fixed partial denture
internal derangement : with respect to the temporomandibular joint, a deviation in position or form of the tissues within the capsule of the temporomandibular joint; an abnormal relationship of the disk to the condyle, fossa, and/or eminence
internal rest: see PRECISION REST
interocclusal : between the occlusal surfaces of opposing teeth
interocclusal clearance 1: the arrangement in which the opposing occlusal surfaces may pass one another without any contact 2: the amount of reduction achieved during tooth preparation to provide for an adequate thickness of restorative material
interocclusal distance : the distance between the occluding surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth when the mandible is in a specified position
interocclusal gap obs: see INTEROCCLUSAL DISTANCE
interocclusal record : a registration of the positional relationship of the opposing teeth or arches; a record of the positional relationship of the teeth or jaws to each other
interocclusal rest space : the difference between the vertical dimension of rest and the vertical dimension while in occlusion
interproximal contact : the area of a tooth that is in close association, connection, or touch with an adjacent tooth in the same arch
interproximal space : the space between adjacent teeth in a dental arch. It is divided into the embrasure space, occlusal to the contact point, and the septal space, gingival to the contact point
interradicular space: the space between roots of adjacent teeth in a dental arch
interridge distance: see INTERARCH DISTANCE
interrupted bridge : a fixed dental prosthesis with one or more nonrigid connectors
intracapsular adhesion : adhesions occurring within the joint capsule, resulting in reduced mobility
intracapsular ankylosis : diminished joint motion due to disease, injury, or surgical procedure within a joint capsule
intracapsular disorder : a problem associated with the masticatory system in which the etiological factors are located within the temporomandibular joint capsule
intracapsular fracture : a fracture of the condyle of the mandible occurring within the confines of the capsule of the temporomandibular joint—called also intraarticular fracture
in·tra·con·dy·lar : within the condyle
in·tra·cor·o·nal 1: within the confines of the cusps and normal proximal/axial contours of a tooth 2: within the normal contours of the clinical crown of a tooth
intracoronal attachment: any prefabricated attachment for support and retention of a removable dental prosthesis. The male and female components are positioned within the normal contour of the abutment tooth—see EXTRACORONAL ATTACHMENT, PRECISION ATTACHMENT
in·tra·mu·co·sal : situated, formed by, or occurring within the mucosa
intramucosal implant: see MUCOSAL INSERT
intramucosal insert: see MUCOSAL INSERT
in·tra·or·al : within the mouth
intraoral tracing: a tracing made within the oral cavity—see ARROW POINT TRACING
in·tra·os·seo·us: within bone
intrinsic coloring: coloring from within; the incorporation of a colorant within the material of a prosthesis or restoration
in·tru·sion: movement of a tooth in an apical direction
invariant color match : a perfect color match under all light conditions
inverted cusp tooth : a nonanatomic posterior porcelain denture tooth that had circular indentations where cusps would normally be located
in·vest : to surround, envelop, or embed in an investment material —see VACUUM INVESTING
in·vest·ing : the process of covering or enveloping, wholly or in part, an object such as a denture, tooth, wax form, crown, etc. with a suitable investment material before processing, soldering, or casting
in·vest·ment n: see DENTAL CASTING I., REFRACTORY I.
investment cast : a cast made of a material that will withstand high temperature without disintegration—compREFRACTORY CAST
ion exchange strengthening : the chemical process whereby the surface of a glass is placed in compression by the replacement of a small ion by a larger one while maintaining chemical neutrality
ionizing radiation: any radiation capable of displacing electrons from atoms or molecules thereby producing ions
ir·i·des·cent: colors produced by interference, refraction, or diffraction
irreversible hydrocolloid : a hydrocolloid consisting of a sol of alginic acid having a physical state that is changed by an irreversible chemical reaction forming insoluble calcium alginate— called also alginate, dental alginate
is·chem·ia : local and temporary deficiency of blood, chiefly resulting from the contraction of a blood vessel
iso·graft : a graft from one individual to another with the same genetic basis, as in twins—called also isogeneic graft, syngraft
isometric contraction : muscular contraction in which there is no change in the length of the muscle during contraction
isotonic contraction : muscular contraction in which there is a shortening of the length of the muscle while the muscle maintains a constant tension
iso·tope : a chemical element having the same atomic number as another but possessing a different atomic mass
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