There are 12 cranial nerves which supply the head and neck region and have varied functions of purely sensory, purely motor and mixed type. Vagus is the only nerve which supplies to parts other than head and neck region like Lungs, Heart, Intestine and Stomach. I have divided the Functions of the 12 cranial nerves […]
AIIMS May 2010 MDS/Dental Entrance Question paper with answers
The Questions from AIIMS May 2010 MDS/Dental Entrance, All the Best for your entrance exams. Follow the question papers and do well in Entrances. As we have seen that previous questions are repeated a lot of times it is sensible to be up to date with the questions and practice them more than once. […]
Types of Nerve Fibres and their Functions – Local and General Anaesthesia
Action and Functions of Nerve Fibres is very important in understanding their action and the use of Local and General Anaesthetics in controlling Pain, Proprioception, Touch and Pressure. Each Nerve Fibre has a specific function and the Anaesthetic agents should be such that they act on those nerve fibres to get the desired effect. It is important to note […]
AIIMS November 2010 MDS/Dental Entrance Question paper with answers
The Questions from AIIMS Nov 2010 MDS/Dental Entrance, All the Best for your entrance exams. Follow the question papers and do well in Entrances. As we have seen that previous questions are repeated a lot of times it is sensible to be up to date with the questions and practice them more than once. For […]
AIIMS May 2011 MDS/Dental Entrance Question Paper – NEET
The Questions from AIIMS May 2011 MDS/Dental Entrance, All the Best for your entrance exams. Follow the question papers and do well in Entrances. As we have seen that previous questions are repeated a lot of times it is sensible to be up to date with the questions and practice them more than once. For […]
Blood supply, Lymphatic Drainage and Nerve supply to the Salivary Glands
Salivary Glands are mostly divided into Major and Minor Salivary glands, the major salivary glands are mainly Parotid, Submandibular and Sublingual glands and Location of Minor Salivary Glands Parotid gland: Nerve supply – Auricotemporal nerve Blood supply – External Carotid artery via the Posterior Auricular artery and the Transverse facial Venous Drainage – Retromandibular vein […]
Temperature and Pressure limits on tooth related to Aerator Bur speed in dentisty
Use of dental motor hand piece and aerator hand piece is a very vital part of many dental treatments like cavity preparation access openings, tooth preparations for fpd ..etc. So every dentist must know the amount of pressure which has to be applied while using a aerator hand piece. As “Pressure is directly proportional to temperature or heat generated” and as we know the aerator rotates at a very high […]
What is Modiolus of Face and Mouth
Modiolus is a point at the corner of the mouth or the angle of mouth where 8 muscles meet. It is also called as the Fibromuscular condensation where the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles meet together. This point is important in movement of facial muscles, facial expressions and in a treatment point of view for a dentist. […]
Characteristic types of pain in various dental conditions
Type of pain is asked during diagnosis and Dental case history to come to a conclusion based on the nature of the pain on the underlying condition or disease responsible. Different types of pains are characteristic of different types of dental diseases or conditions. It helps us in coming to a initial diagnosis of whether […]
Types of White lesions divided based on scrapping off feature
White lesions are the pathological changes seen in the oral cavity involving the soft tissues like buccal mucosa, palatal mucosa, tongue and floor of mouth. Here we can see a list of white lesions which are divided into 2 categories based on their property of being able to scrape of the lesion – Scrapable White […]
NEET – MDS Entrance Detailed information 2012-2013
NEET – National Eligibility cum Entrance Examination is the national entrance examination being conducted by AIIMS for admissions into MDS seats all over India for the year 2013. Here is the NEET MDS 2013 Question paper – NEET MDS 2013 NEET MDS Examination dates 2013: As per the latest updates from DCI – NEET for […]
Tooth Brushing techniques recommended in Periodontal disease
In case of any periodontal disease or after performing periodontal treatment the dentist has to recommend the patient on how to brush, there are different type of tooth brushing techniques which are designed for specific function and to be used in specific conditions of periodontal disease. Improper Brushing or brushing technique is the most common […]
Difference between Preiapical, Lateral Radicular and Residual cysts
Before we know the difference between Periapical, Radicular and Residual cysts, let us know what exactly a Cyst is – A Cyst is a “pathological fluid filled cavity lined by epithelium” . It consists of three parts – Wall or capsule, Epithelial lining and Lumen or Cavity. What is the Difference between Periapical, Radicular and […]
Rare Microscopic View of a Used Dental Floss
Dental Floss is an Effective method to clean the inter dental areas which can be a heaven for Micro-organisms to reside undetected. Dental Flossing once a day has proved to be very useful in controlling Caries and eliminating Halitosis. Here is the Normal Floss being used and the image below that is the Microscopic image […]