Dental Sealants or Pit and Fissure sealants named after the location they are placed in, these are materials which are placed into the occlusal pits and fissures of the teeth which are susceptible to Caries. Before we dive into the details about Pit & Fissure Sealants, let us look into what exactly are Pits and […]
American Academy of Pediatrics says no Juice for kids below 1 year
There has been a startling statement by American Academy of Pediatrics last month, stating that Fruit juice is not recommended in children below 1 year of age. This comes after stating the relationship with dental decay and other health related concerns such as weight gain and excessive intake of fruit juice. In a statement in […]
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization – Clinical features, Etiology and Management
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization or MIH is a developmental condition seen in children presenting as enamel defects in the permanent incisors and the first permanent molars with eruption of these teeth. It is reported in – by Nishita Garg. It is an irreversible condition as the enamel once deformed cannot be healed and Early diagnosis […]
Root Caries – Classification, Causes, Clinical Features and Treatment
Caries is derived from a Latin Word which means “Rot” or “Decay” and in Greek it means “Ker” for “Death”. According to Ostrom (1980) has defined as a process of Enamel or Dentin dissolution which is caused by microbial action at the tooth surface and is mediated by physiochemical flow of water dissolved ions. According […]
Bennett’s Classification of Fracture of Teeth
Beneett’s Classification is used to evaluate Fracture of Tooth in the Coronal and Root fracture. There are other Classifications which are more commonly used called Ellis Classification of Fractured Teeth. In Bennett’s Classfication the fractured teeth are divided into Five types based on fracture of tooth in the Coronal and Root position. Trauma to the […]
Window of Infectivity in Dental Caries – Primary and Permanent Teeth
In Dental Caries there are many theories about the initiation and progression of dental caries but the Window of infectivity factor has been studied only by some scientists who have studied both primary and permanent Dentition with birth to 5 years in decidious and eruption to 5 years in permanent teeth. What is Window of […]
Classification of Instruments used in Pedodontics for Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry in Pediatric patients is very different compared to the Adult patients as the Decidious teeth are different in structure, shape and many other factors are to be considered. The main aspect is the thickness of the Enamel and Dentin which are much thinner when compared to permanent dentition which needs us to take […]
Differences between Nursing Bottle Caries and Rampant Caries
Nursing Bottle caries is a type of Rampant caries which is demarcated because of the age factor, Nursing Bottle caries is seen in Infants and Toddlers and Rampant caries is seen in any age and seen in both Primary and Permanent Teeth. As the name suggests Nursing Bottle Caries is caused mainly due to the […]
Classification of Diseases of Dental Pulp
Dental Pulp is a mixture of soft Connective tissue, Vascular, Lymphatic and Nervous tissues which form the central core of a Tooth both Primary and Permanent. Dental Pulp occupies the central cavities of the tooth which are called as the Root Canals or Pulp Chambers. Diseases of Pulp can be caused by many factors like […]
Eruption Cyst or Hematoma Clinical Features, Diagnosis and Treatment
Eruption cyst or Eruption Hematoma: As the name suggests the Cysts is seen in Erupting Teeth in children below the Age of 10 and mostly associated with Permanent 1st Molars and then the Maxillary Incisors. It is mainly caused when the gingiva or Epithelium covering the tooth is thick. It is painful and can be […]
Most Common Mistakes committed while Brushing your Teeth
Tooth Brushing is the most important Preventive Technique used in Dentistry and the one which is given most importance by any Dentist. As Brushing is done to prevent any harm to the tooth and supporting structures but if the same Tooth brushing leads to harmful effects it is a big loss. So it is important […]
Types of Tooth Brushing Techniques
Proper Tooth Brushing Techniques are very important to maintain Oral Health, by following correct tooth brushing technique you will be able to remove food debris and plaque which will in turn prevent the onset of Dental Caries. The main reason for Dental caries is food lodgment in teeth, which are the food for the Bacteria […]
Common Failures of Dental Restorations
Dental Restorations are the most common type of Dental treatment in the world with thousands of Dental Fillings or Restorations being given every day, and the life span of Dental restoration varies depending on many factors like cavity preparation, shape of cavity, mixing of restoration, marginal integrity of the restoration … etc So Failures of […]
Edge and Centroid Relationship
What is Edge and Centroid Relationship: It is a measure as the distance between the perpendicular projections of lower incisor edge and centroid of upper incisor root on maxillary plane. What is Edge in Edge Centroid relationship: The tip of the crown most prominent lower incisor What is Cnetroid in Edge Centroid relationship: The Mid-Point […]