Triple Antibiotic Paste is a type of Intra Canal Medicament which is used in Endodontic Treatment or Root canal Treatment to kill the micro organisms in the periapical region of an infected Root Canal. Triple antibiotic Paste or (TAP) consists of three medicines – Metronidazole, Ciprofloxacin and Minocycline. This combination of medicines have been found […]
Pulp Vitality Tests – Uses, Advantages, Disadvantages and Recent advancements
Pulp Vitality Tests literally means to check the vitality of the pulp tissue which helps in diagnosis and treatment planning. Vitality tests help in not only determining the vitality of the pulp but also to determine the pathological status of pulp. Among the various methods used pulp testing procedures are Thermal, electrical or direct dentine […]
Sodium Hypochlorite Accident – Signs & Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Sodium Hypochlorite accident during Root canal procedure is although rare but has been seen in certain cases which can range from showing mild symptoms to severe symptoms in patients which has to be dealt with immediately. Sodium Hypochlorite (Hypo) is the most commonly used Root canal Irrigation liquid which has a pale coloration similar to […]
What is Hemisection in Dentistry
Hemisection is the sectioning of a diseased tooth (usually a mandibular molar) into two parts and removing the diseased root and its connected crown part. Hemisection is also called as “root amputation” or “root sectioning”. Hemisection is usually suggested in Mandibular Molars which have undergone failed Root canal treatment cases where we can see Furcation […]
Methods used for Working length determination in Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment is a step by step process in which each and every step plays an important role in the final outcome of the treatment, one of the most important step is the determination of Working Length. Working length helps in deciding to what extent the BMP has to be performed and where the […]
Pulp Stones and Denticles – Classification, Radiographic and Clinical appearance, Treatment
Pulp Stones are calcified masses appearing as nodules in the coronal or the radicular portion of the pulp tissue. Pulp stones are said to be seen in at least 50% of the teeth in the oral cavity. They go unnoticed as they are small in size in most of the cases when the calcifications become […]
Root Canal Treatment Failure Causes and what is Re-RCT
Root Canal Treatment is a procedure performed to treat an infected Root Canal which leads to tooth pain, this can be lifesaver for many patients who suffer from pain. But like all treatments, there will be failures and Root canal treatment failures are no different. The success rate of Root Canals is usually between 85-95% […]
Do Endodontic Equipment’s interfere with Pacemakers or Cardiovascular Implantable electronic devices
Root Canal treatment is an integral part of everyday dentistry and Endodontics is a vital and most useful treatment option to save Infected teeth, this can and is being used in senior citizens as well and these section of patients are more commonly known to have Cardiovascular Implantable electronic devices or more commonly known as […]
What are the Differences between Reversible and Irreversible Pulpitis – Differential Diagnosis of Pulpitis
Pulpitis is the inflammation of the dental pulp which can be a result of untreated caries , trauma, multiple restorations etc with the primary symptom being pain. Pulpitis is defined in multiple stages, the most distinctive ones being Reversible Pulptis and Irreversible Pulptitis, based on the diagnosis the treatment plan can be decided. Treatment options […]
List of Generations of Dental Composite
Dental Composite is a Synthetic Resin which has gained popularity as a restorative material as it is insoluble (saliva and other fluids), aesthetic, insensitive to dehydration, easy to manipulate and reasonably inexpensive. Earlier used restorative materials needed excessive tooth preparation to obtain a specific cavity shape and form to give the restorative material structural support […]
Grizzly Bear undergoes Root Canal Treatment in Kamloops Wildlife Park
Grizzly bears are known for their size and their ferocity and bears are known to chew into anything and everything they can find. The same might have been the case with eight year old Knute who had bit into something more than he could chew and broke or fractured one of his nine centimeter long […]
What is the ideal restorative material after Root canal treatment – Composite or GIC
Root canal treatment is a procedure performed on teeth which have become dead or when the pulp tissue gets infected due to Dental caries or any trauma leading to inflammation of the periapical tissue. Check this to know the in detail procedure of Root Canal Procedure. RCT involves multiple steps starting from access preparation which […]
Types of Double Seal techniques to get Ideal Coronal Seal in Endodontically or Root Canal Treated Teeth
In Root Canal Treatment, one of the most important factor to determine the success of this procedure is to get the perfect Coronal Seal. It is very important in every Root canal treated tooth as the Seal is the one which is protecting the Tooth from External infective factors like Saliva and other food substances […]
Objectives of an Ideal Access Cavity Preparation in Root Canal treatment
Root Canal Treatment starts with a perfect Access Opening and the success of the Root Canal Treatment depends mainly on the shape and whether the Access opening is following the below mentioned objectives. Access Cavity is the first step to a successful root canal treatment and the steps which follow are based on the accuracy […]