DARK-FIELD MICROSCOPY: A technique utilizing a microscope modified by a special condenser that allows light to enter only peripherally so that objects such as microorganisms are obliquely illuminated and glow against a dark background. DEBRIDEMENT: The removal of inflamed, devitalized, or contaminated tissue or foreign material from or adjacent to a lesion. DEBRIS: An accumulation […]
Glossary Of Periodontic Terms – F
FACE-BOW: A device used to record the positional relationship of the maxillary arch to the temporomandibular joints and to orient dental casts in this same relationship to the opening axis of an articulator. FACET: A flattened or worn spot on the surface of a hard body, as on a bone or a tooth. FACTITIOUS: I. […]
Glossary Of Periosontic Terms – E
ECCENTRIC RELATION, ECCENTRIC POSITION: See: Occlusion, Eccentric. ECCHYMOSIS: An extravasation of blood into subcutaneous tissue or mucosa. ECOLOGY: The study of the relationships of organisms with other organisms and their environment. ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIA: See: Dysplasia, Ectodermal. EC TOPIC: Occurring in an unusual position, manner, or form, as in ectopic eruption. EDEMA: An abnormal swelling resulting […]
Glossary Of Periodontal Terms – C
CALCIFY: See: Mineralize. CALCULUS, DENTAL (Tartar ): A hard concretion that forms on teeth or dental prostheses through calcification of bacterial plaque. SUBGINGI VAL (Seruminal) C.: Calculus formed apical to the gingival margin; often brown or black, hard, and tenacious. SUPRAGINGI VAL (Salivary) C.: Calculus formed coronal to the gingival margin; usually formed more recently […]
Glossary of Periodontal Terms – B
B-CELL: See: Lymphocyte. BACTEREMIA : The presence of bacteria in the bloodstream. The term is usually qualified as being transient, intermittent, or continuous in nature. BACTERIA L SUCCESSION: A process of colonization by oral bacteria in a predictable, temporal pattern, with organisms altering theenvironment, allowing new organisms to become established or certain existing bacteria to […]
Glossary of Periodontal Terms – A
ABERRANT: Varying or deviating from the usual or normal course, form, or location. ABFRACTION: Hypothetical tooth surface abrasion in conjunction with occlusal forces; data supporting this term as a discrete clinical entity are not yet available (See Abrasion; Erosion.) ABRASION: Wearing away of a substance or structure through an abnormal mechanical process. Examples include gingival […]
GPT Terms – Z
zero-degree teeth: posterior denture teeth having 0-degree cuspal angles in relation to the plane established by the horizontal occlusal surface of the tooth— called also zero-degree nonanatomic teeth—see NONANATOMIC TEETH zinc oxide eugenol cement: a cement or luting agent resulting from mixing zinc oxide with eugenol (oil of cloves), typically dispensed in the form of a […]
GPT Terms – Y
yield strength : the strength at which a small amount of permanent (plastic) strain occurs, usually 0.1% or 0.2%, and most frequently measured in MPa or psi Young’s modulus: [Thomas Young (1773-1829) English physician and physicist] eponym for the constant of proportionality expressed in the stress-strain plot as the slope in the elastic region where elastic […]
GPT Terms – X
1X-ray : the process of exposing objects to roentgen rays and projecting their shadow on sensitized surfaces 2X-ray : see ROENTGEN RAY X-ray picture: see ROENTGENOGRAM xenogenic graft : a graft from one species to another species— called also heterologous graft xer·o·stomia : dryness of the mouth from lack of normal secretions
GPT Terms – W
warp : torsional change of shape or outline; to turn or twist out of shape wash impression slang: see FINAL IMPRESSION wave length : the distance at any instant between two adjacent crests (or identical phases) of two series of waves that are advancing through a uniform medium. The wavelength varies inversely with the vibration […]
GPT Terms – V
vacuum casting : the casting of a material (i.e., metal, plastic) in the presence of a partial vacuum vacuum investing : the process of investing a pattern within a partial vacuum vacuum mixing : a method of mixing a material such as plaster of paris or casting investment below atmospheric pressure val·ue : the quality […]
GPT Terms – T
ta·ble: a flat surface; a raised horizontal surface—see GUIDE T., OCCLUSAL T. ta·per: in dentistry, the convergence of two opposing external walls of a tooth preparation as viewed in a given plane. The extension of those average lines within that plane form an angle describe as the angle of convergence tech·nic : a detailed procedure in […]
GPT Terms – S
sad·dle n, obs: see DENTURE BASE saddle pontic obs: a pontic with a broad concave facio-lingual area of contact with the residual ridge. It is also know as a ridge lap pontic. This type of pontic is known to be uncleanseable and result in tissue irritation at the area of contact with the ridge mucosa sag·it·tal : […]
GPT Terms – R
RAD: acronym for Radiation Absorbed Dose, a unit of measurement of the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation. The biologic effect of one rad varies with the type of radiation tissue is exposed to—see also GRAY radiation : the emission of electromagnetic waves, such as light, short wave, radio, ultraviolet, or x-rays, or particulate rays such as […]