Oral Carcinomas or Malignancies are becoming more and more prevalent due to the oral habits like smoking, ghutka chewing, alcohol etc. With the increase of such habits the incidence of malignancies have also drastically increased. With Squamous cell carcinoma being one of the most common carcinoma of Oral cavity and other carcinomas affecting the Oral cavity involving the various types of tissues like oral mucosa, bone, tongue etc.
Here are some important points about Oral carcinomas which are worth reading which will help in understanding Oral malignancies better and also help in competitive examinations and these are the most commonly asked questions regarding malignancies surrounding the oral cavity.
- Most common malignancy of oral cavity: Squamous cell carcinoma
- Most common bone cancer: Metastatic bone cancer
- Most common primary bone tumour: Multiple myeloma
- Metastatic tumours in maxilla are most commonly: Maxillary tuberosity
- Verocay bodies are associated with: Neurolemmoma
- Cafe-au-lait spots are seen in: Neurofibroma and Polyostotic type of fibrous dysplasia
- Antoni type A and B are associated with: Neurofibroma
- Benign tumor that resembles Squamous cell carcinoma histologically: Keratoacanthoma
- Commonest site of Keratoacanthoma: Lip
- Sarcoma of soft tissues spreads by: Blood vessels
- Carcinoma which produces Osteoblastic Secondaries: Carcinoma Prostrate
- Reedsternberg cells are seen in: Hodgkins disease
- Bence Jones protein is seen in: Multiple myeloma, Polycythemia, Leukaemia
- Etiology of Multiple Myeloma: Unknown
- Melphalan is drug of choice in: Multiple myeloma
- Onion skin appearance: Ewings sarcoma
- Reactive lesion of gingiva that may demonstrate bone radiographically and seen even microscopically: Peripheral ossifying fibroma
- Russels bodies are found in which cells: Plasma cells
- Starry sky appearance is seen in: Burkitts lymphoma
- Strotiform pattern is seen in: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
- Common neoplasm benign of epithelial origin: Papilloma
- Most common location of giant cell fibroma: Mandibular gingiva
- Most common malignant tumour of gingival: Squamous cell carcinoma
- Most common type of Basal Cell Carcinoma: Nodular
- Origin of Basal Cell Carcinoma: Pluripotent Basal Stem cells
- Rodent ulcer: Basal Cell Carcinoma
- Commonest site for Carcinoma of Tongue: Lateral margin
- Benign neoplasm that arise from brown fat: Hibernoma
- Sex predilection in Carcinoma of lip more common: Male
- A White patch that cannot be rubbed off from oral mucosa nor related to any other disease is a feature of: Leukoplakia
- Most common location of leukoplakia: Cheek mucosa
- Leukoplakia with worst prognosis location: Floor of mouth
- Chevron sign is diagnostic feature of: Smokeless Tobacco Keratosis
- OHL is most commonly associated with which disease: AIDS
- Highest incidence of malignant transformation: Erythroplakia
- Toluidene blue is used to detect: Malignant Transformation
- Other name for Oral Sub mucous fibrosis: Atropa Idiopathica Mucosae Oris
- Rigidity of oral mucosa is associated with: Oral Sub Mucous Fibrosis
- Bowen disease is a type of: Intraepithelial Carcinoma
- Flimy white opalesence that fades on stretching: Leukodema
- Tobbaco usage associated with: Hyperkeratosis
- Increase in thickness of Spinous layer: Acanthosis
- Acanthosis with intraepithelial vacuolation and hyper para keratosis is seen in: Speckled Leukoplakia
- Presence of epithelial pearls is a feature: Carcinoma
- Division of nucleus without division of cytoplasm: Poikilokaryosis
- Lesion of which part of Oral cavity is more prone to Dysplasia: Floor of oral cavity
- Most reliable single Histologic criteria for diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Invasion
- Squamous Papilloma is induced by virus: Human Papilloma Virus
- Resorption of teeth is caused by which type of tumours: Malignant tumors
- Basal Cell Carcinoma is spread by: Direct Extension
- Most common Site for Metastasis from Carcinoma of Cheek: Regional lymph nodes (submaxillary lymph nodes)
- Major etiological factor for Basal Cell Carcinoma: Sunlight
- Metastasis from carcinoma of Tongue by blood stream is more likely when carcinoma involves which part of the tongue: Posterior third of tongue
- Most common route of Metastasis of Oral cancer is by: Lymphatics
- Most common site for Metastasis of Mandibular Sarcoma: Lung
- Tissue removal for Microscopic examination should be immediately immersed in: 10% Formalin
- Pappilomatous tongue is found in: Lymphangioma
- Inflamed Capillary Heamangioma looks similar to: Pyogenic Granuloma
- Haemangioma is associated with which syndrome: Rendu Osler Webber Syndrome
- Most common location of Haemangioma: Head and Neck
- Venous Lakes are: Tiny vascular haemangiomas of lip
- Kaposi sarcoma is a tumour of: Blood vessels
- Kaposi sarcoma is caused by: HSV 8 Virus
- Most common Intra Oral pigmented lesions: Amalgam Tattoo
- True nevus of Mesodermal origin: Blue nevus
- Nevi which will most commonly turn to malignant one: Junctional nevi
- Most common intraoral nevi: Intramucosal Nevi
- Melanoma affects the: Skin and mucuos membrane
- Sex Prediliction of malignant melanoma is: More common in Males
- Type of melanoma with highest malignant potential: Nodular melanoma
- Malignant tumor of striated muscle: Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Rhabdomyosarcoma originates from: Skeletal muscle
- Intra oral myoblastoma is seen most commonly in: Tongue
- Granular cell myoblastoma is a: Benign tumor
- Congenital epulis of the new born is most likely to resemble: Granular cell Myoblastoma microscopically
hi dr. can i have this page (important clinical and histological features of oral malignancies )as word document plz.
good work.
very useful .